

+52 (999) 948 1819


Quiénes Somos

High School in Yucatán

This program takes place in the state of Yucatan, in the capital city “Merida” and its surroundings, this program gives foreign students the opportunity to live and study in the Maya land of Mexico for a School Year, a semester or even a trimester.

There is an enormous difference between visiting a country as a tourist and living in the same country and this difference is what the High School in Yucatan program is all about, an international student participates in a family-life and in school-life for a School year.

An Ultrex Voluntary Mexican host family welcomes an international student as a family member in their home and soon after the student has arrived the international student attends a Mexican High School, this combination of full immersion at early teenage years provides a once in a lifetime opportunity to fully command the Spanish Language at the same time, by participating in the Mexican every-day life the students will experience a new way of living and a different culture. Both the student and the host family will learn from each other’s culture and therefore this exchange will contribute to a better international understanding.

About Merida City

Capital of the Yucatan, Merida is known as the White City for its clean streets, Victorian style houses and its nice and polite people; it is an obligatory starting and finishing point for those visiting the Yucatan Peninsula. Merida is just 20 minutes away from Chicxulub beach and about 300 km (190 miles) from Cancun and Playa del Carmen, enough to keep this city authentic, safe and not too touristy. It is an excellent choice for a High School, Cultural Exchange experience and to have the opportunity of becoming an authentic “Yucateco”.

Academic Year, Semester or Trimester

In this program the student is enrolled for a school year, a semester or a trimester in a Private High School close to the Host Family and most of the time also where the Host Family kids go to School.

Local Coordinator (LC) and communication

All Ultrex students enrolled in our High School in Yucatan Program will get a personal assistance from a Local Coordinator (LC); this LC was hired because of his/her local understanding (Most of the LC’s were born and raised in Yucatan) plus her/his international experience to be able to deal with culture shock and behavioral differences. The student can always count on the LC and he or she will answer all questions. The LC will contact the student and Host Family on a regular basis in order to see how the student is doing and he /she will maintain contact and the flow of information with Ultrex this way, Ultrex, will send a monthly report to sending organization so natural parent can be updated with the most important day life events of the student.

Program Features

Age: Applicants must be students who are a minimum of 15 years of age on the first day of the program and are not over 18 years and 6 months at the start of the program

Schools: Private High Schools in Yucatan.

Placement Areas: In Merida, Yucatan and its surrounding areas.

Requirements: Good English language skills, a basic level of Spanish will be a great advantage to the student.

Medical Requirements: Be in good health, both, physical and mental.

Supervision and Support: Ultrex 24/7 support for the student.

Program objectives

Improve the Spanish skills of our students, in order to write and speak fluently with a good spelling, accent and pronunciation.

Get the experience of living with a Mexican family and become part of the Mexican culture.

Get enrolled in a Private Mexican High School to obtain high quality education during the program.

Get an international experience and a cultural exchange in Mexico; with the purpose of understanding the culture, diversity, way of living and thinking.

Validate your studies in Mexico back in your own country so you can move forward with your education back home.

High school enrollment

The Mexican school system is a classical teaching system; teacher talks, student listen and does what he/she is asked to do). Here in the Mexico, students learn from a young age to work individual or in groups. Students learn to plan and to work efficient on their own. The teacher encourages students to have an opinion and discuss topics without being disrespectful.

High School in Yucatan program offers the possibility for student to get enrolled in a Private School depending always on the Host Family convenience.

Most High Schools in Merida City are regulated by University of Yucatan’s High School Department.

Private School Program

    • The student is enrolled in a Private High School.
    • Private Schools have an enrollment fee; this is included in the cost of the Ultrex program.
    • Ultrex is in charge of the enrollment of the student in the Private School and will be in charge of enrollment and tuition fees.
    • The school will have a ULTREX Welcoming School ambassador in school which is one of the teachers who is in charge of the wellbeing of the students.

    The School will assign a buddy who are classmates of the students who will be the international students’ first friend and help in High School from the first day on

    • In certain High Schools the student will require a uniform to attend classes.
    • Student may use the public transport with a minimum cost using the student card of public transportation or be transported by car with the help of the host family.
    • All school supplies, uniforms, extras in some special subjects are under the international student responsibility

    Are you interested in our Program? Do you want to learn and be proficient in Spanish in one year?

    Send us an email and we will let you know who’s our Local Partner Organization in your country.


Búsqueda de Familia Anfitriona

Programa Publico F-1 High School

El programa Ultrex Publico F-1 es un programa para quién quiere combinar la experiencia clásica de estudiar en una escuela pública con la posibilidad de escoger la cercanía a una ciudad específica, a una zona de ski, a una playa o simplemente que la preparatoria publica contenga los cursos o actividades deportivas y extracurriculares que el estudiante este buscando.

El funcionamiento de este programa es diferente al Público J-1. El estudiante deberá escoger 3 opciones de distritos escolares y a partir de esto, de acuerdo a los intereses del estudiante y a la disponibilidad de lugares, Ultrex inscribirá al estudiante al distrito escolar y después se encontrará a la familia anfitriona que por los requisitos de cercanía, no es voluntaria.

El valor del programa es más alto que en el Programa Público J-1 ya que en este programa el estudiante internacional paga el valor de lo que le costaría un estudiante regular al distrito escolar. Las familias anfitrionas no son voluntarias y aunque en su objetivo sigue siendo el intercambio cultural es más fácil encontrarlas ya que saben que los gastos de tener un miembro extra en la familia serán pagados por nuestro programa.

La base de este programa es la institución académica que tiene los atributos que la hace importante para el estudiante. El estudiante entra en la escuela con ambiente que escogió y se esfuerza por revalidar su año escolar.

Seleccionamos a una familia Anfitriona que esté dispuesta a recibir a un estudiante y que se encuentre en la cercanía de la escuela.

Al igual que en el programa Público J-1; motivamos al estudiante y apoyamos la participación del estudiante en actividades extracurriculares que refuercen el idioma y la integración en la comunidad.

En este programa los lugares de las escuelas se venden y dependiendo de su popularidad la escuela puede tener a varios extranjeros.

En esta modalidad podemos crear un ambiente más cómodo para el estudiante internacional en donde el convivio en la escuela que escogió y la familia que le asignamos puedan motivarlo más para el éxito y aprenda más rápido el idioma mientras revalida su año escolar. Una experiencia integral que transforma al estudiante y lo prepara para su vida Profesional y laboral.
Existen escuelas en este programa, que están dispuestas a otorgar, ante un buen desempeño escolar, el diploma de la preparatoria a estudiantes que se inscriben únicamente en el senior year o último año de preparatoria y cuya revalidación permite la entrada directa a la Universidad en Estados Unidos o en México.

Este programa también está disponible para estudiantes recién graduados en México buscando la doble titulación en Estados Unidos.